Harnessing Mother Nature to Revolutionize Farming

Climate change is making weather more unpredictable, and farming more demanding.

Why not use what Mother Nature has already given us to protect our crops from the extremes of climate change?


A special kind of bond has existed between plants and microbes for millennia. This relationship is called beneficial symbiosis because both species benefit from living together. For the last 20 years our founders have studied plant-microbe symbiosis and have made some remarkable discoveries. They have found microbes that can increase stress tolerance in crops to help farmers decrease the stress of climate change on their yields and income.

Our scientists have found a natural fungus that can make crop plants stronger.

What are the benefits of using BioEnsure?

  • Increases crop yields under high ecological stress conditions such as heat, drought, salty and low nutrient soils.

  • Removes the stress of monsoon uncertainty and poor soils.

  • Increases plants ability to take in nutrients through the roots.

  • Does not establish in soil, or compete with other soil microbes.

  • Improves seed germination even at low field moisture.

  • It is a natural fungus that has lived symbiotically with plants for millions of years. It has not been genetically modified.

  • Allows for higher yield from carryover seed.

We’ve tested BioEnsure® around the world in 1,000+ field trials, in 19 countries.

Field Trials in India

Over the years of global field testing BioEnsure® our strongest results have come from India. BioEnsure® specializes in imparting stress tolerance to plants, so naturally it is most effective where growing conditions are ecologically challenging.

We have had treated crops with yield increases up to 300%!

Field trial results over 4 years of testing in dry regions of India.


What do local growers have to say?

We have worked with almost 900 local farmers to test BioEnsure®. They are located primarily around the hot, dry region of northeast Rajasthan, where farming is heavily dependent on seasonal rains.

We have treated 22,300kg of seeds for subsistence farmers. After seed treating, farmers planted after the first monsoon and we followed up with interviews, and recording final yield results.


If you would like more information we’d be happy to answer any questions.

Dr. Mahavir Rajawat - mahavir.singh@adsymtech.com

Mobile: +91-77429-02289